Knowing can affect learning – Complete Guide

Knowing can affect learning - complete guide

Surprisingly when you acknowledge your type of learning it will be very easy to learn (Knowing can affect learning). Therefore we need to ask ourselves what type of learners are we.  The theory of learning styles was brought by Psychologist David Kolb in 1984. His theory was built on the individual learning style. Some elements control our learning styles. They are our genetics, life experiences, and the demands of our current environment. Let’s see the latest model and how it evolved into 4 basic styles.

4 learning styles!!

The four learning models according to Fleming’s model are: 

  1. Visual Learning
  2. Auditory Learning
  3. Kinesthetic learning
  4. Reading and writing learning

Visual learning: this is a learning style where information is presented to a learner in a visual format. The learner interprets information through visual aids like pictures, videos, graphs, charts, maps, diagrams, and any visual stimulation. They remember faces and places. They tend to recall information by picturing it in their minds.

Auditory Learning: this is a learning style where the learner learns from listening to auditory materials like audiobooks, conversations, and radio. They remember words to songs and can recall conversations in detail by hearing them in their minds. You can see main auditorial kids activities in this set.

Kinesthetic learning: is a learning style where learning takes place through the movement of the whole body or carrying out physical activities. Hands-on activities and real-life experiences help them remember. The balance board is one of the famous Montessori tools that can help the child to move the body.

Reading/Writing learning: is sometimes thought of as a sub-type of a visual learner. These learners find writing, reading articles, and taking notes to be most helpful when learning. They comprehend and remember what they read, and they often enjoy writing. Baanoon alphabetic and number boards can help the child to learn reading and writing.

One or more style (Knowing can affect learning):

Moreover, does that mean that each one of us has one learning style? No. There is something called predominate learning style for you and the other styles are sub to you. 

“Strong evidence that human beings have a range of intelligence.”

Garner, Frames of Mind, 1983

Understanding how learning styles differ and how they merge can influence how effectively you communicate and interact with your child. So how can I, as a parent, help my child?  The following are some helping ideas:                                                           

For visual learners, here are some ideas:

  • Information is presented in diagrams
  • Ideas are presented in flow charts
  • Use visual clues to present ideas and thoughts like flashcards
  • Use vocabulary mnemonics 
  • Timelines are used to present sequences of events
  • For numeracy, you can use charts 

For Auditory Learning, here are some ideas:

  • Use different devices to record your notes like computers, mobile
  • Always discuss with groups your ideas
  • Use Internet resources like
  • Tap lectures to listen to them later on
  • Use of metaphors/similes to compare and remember 

For Kinesthetic learning, here are some ideas:

  • Walk back and forth; move in some way, when studying notes
  • Visit locations for your learning material (library, museum, historical sites, etc.)
  • Use a dry-erase or chalkboard to study or review
  • Use tactile materials to learn a new concept.
  • Use space in placing the learning materials then  you can move in the middle of the learning
  • Relate physical movements with ideas/terms

For Reading and writing learning here are some ideas:

  • Read then write in the learning situation
  • Keep a notebook to record any instructions or ideas

Tips For All types of learners:

Here is a link that assists you to identify your own learning style:

Learning Style quiz

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