Why playing is important | increase You’re Child Development 8 Benefits

The play has been part of childhood for thousands of years and is one of the most important parts of children’s lives. So how is play learning? This is because play helps us to understand the world and how our bodies work. So, pay attention to play and What you can children learn from playing? With marks in hand, children take their first steps in society. They roll the dice and realize that some things in life depend on chance. Children draw cards and learn to deal with the unexpected and surprising.
Game development
Play begins to develop in the first months of life when the mother, father, or carer responds positively and harmoniously to the child’s verbal and non-verbal cues (e.g., by imitating the child’s ‘o’ and ‘a’ sounds). By nine months of age, they can follow the stimulation rules taught to them by parents and carers (e.g., imitating the baby’s ‘o’ and ‘a’ sounds). By one year of age, they have developed social skills (e.g., smiling at parents when walking for the first time), are aware of their surroundings, and have better emotional control. They also start to develop their speech. In addition, they develop their motor and social skills by playing alone and with other children (e.g., by playing hide and seek).
Why playing is important in early childhood
Childhood affects our future as adults. It is also when the most important brain development takes place: 80% of the brain is developed by the age of three and 90% by the age of five.
This means that children cannot wait until primary school to start school. On the other hand, it should be noted that lack of play can have negative long-term consequences, from attention and behavioral problems to an increased risk of stress.
This table shows the importance of play in early childhood. Play is also important in laying the foundations for formal education.
The nature of learning and play
Play and learning are closely linked. On the one hand, children learn a lot when they participate in play in a social environment conducive to learning, where they receive support and encouragement. On the other hand, they can also learn new skills through playful interactions with others. In general, learning and play (learning through play/play through play) promote linguistic, intellectual, social, and emotional development.

Top 8 benefits of play
Play enables children to develop and use different skills to learn and explore the world around them. Play enables intellectual, social, sensory, and motor development and promotes language learning.
Intellectual development
Learning is easier when it’s fun. That is why there is the importance of play and creativity in learning. What is play in early childhood education? Children play with toys, their senses are stimulated, and their brains are activated, enabling them to consolidate their knowledge. Playful learning promotes thinking and problem-solving skills through repetition. For example, when a child puts his toys away and makes noise, he understands that there are consequences. And play is the best way to develop imagination. An ordinary cardboard box becomes a truck or an airplane for a child. In this way, your child’s intellectual development is enhanced as he builds his landscape around the objects he develops through play.
Creating is a (neuro)science.
The importance of play for children’s development is increasingly emphasized in education and research, that is why play is important for kids. Neuroscience, for example, has shown that play influences the development of brain connections. Play also provides rich and rewarding learning experiences.
In addition, games (especially board games) can help children learn techniques and skills that are particularly useful in adult life (e.g., counting, remembering, and interpreting information).
Importance of playing games and problem-solving
Board games can be used to develop problem-solving skills, i.e., the ability to use tactics and strategies to solve problems, for example in the game “Recycling Rally,” where children face the same situation when trying to find the best route for a garbage truck to collect and transport waste to the appropriate collection station.
Games to help relieve stress
Playing, dancing and singing can help relieve stress for you and your child. In addition, laughing together releases endorphins in the body that can put you in a good mood.
Even a short game can make adults cheer their children on. It also helps them forget about work and other commitments.
Studies have also shown that play can protect children from the negative effects of long-term stress. Chronic stressful situations can affect a child’s physical and mental health. Fun, positive and constructive relationships with adults, can help reduce these effects.
Importance of play in social development
Some toys should not be neglected. Children develop their social development through play. They think faster, develop reasoning and thinking skills and improve memory. For example, memory games from the Eco Memory range develop children’s ability to retain knowledge but also to discover new animals, learn to distinguish natural environments, and associate fruits and vegetables with the seasons.

Cognitive development
In addition to memory development, the games promote healthy development and critical thinking. It helps children understand cause and effect, form concepts, and explore the world. Play activates the senses and stimulates exploration and curiosity. Using toys helps children develop fine motor skills and object manipulation. They learn about the properties of objects and develop their understanding of size, shape, weight, mass, rigidity, and agility. As children get older, they also need to jump, run and throw objects, so these toys help develop their muscles, physical skills, and sense of balance.
Emotional development
The benefits of play are also reflected in children’s emotional development. Young children can regulate their emotions through play. For example, in the context of loss, children learn to deal with sadness, anger, and loneliness. Play also helps children to develop self-esteem and self-confidence, which is important throughout life. That is why playing is important for mental health. One of the main playing types that enhance emotional development is the pretending play. Baanoonstore website offers many toys that can be used in pretending play with the most of joy and fun. For example, the wooden kitchen.
A new challenge
Between 1981 and 1997, American children’s playtime decreased by 25%. Due to academic pressures, 30% of American preschoolers do not participate in leisure activities. In this situation, many families risk focusing solely on academic achievement (grades, homework, etc.) and competition. Many parents are also concerned about the safety of their children when they play outside. However, these concerns can increase stress and anxiety at the expense of creativity and quality reading, and eating. Innovative programs have been introduced to address these concerns.